Pou Kurutao - Programme Lead round-up for 2024
As we wind up the 2024 year, I am grateful to see the moemoeā of Nōku te Ao one step closer, our dream of a nation where all people uphold the mana and human rights of tāngata whaiora. Although the realisation of our vision for Nōku te Ao may seem lofty - 'whāia te iti kahurangi, ki te tuohu koe, me he maunga teitei!' (seek the treasure that you value most dearly, if you bow your head, let it be to a lofty mountain)
To our tāngata whaiora and whānau across the motu, I acknowledge a very challenging year for us, particularly those impacted by the abuse in state care inquiry and the mental health act process. In what can seem a tremulous environment currently, I find solace in the timeless words of the late Kiingi Tuheitia and draw us to lean upon his wisdom - “In the storm, we are stronger together. The wind in our sails is kotahitanga, and with that, we will reach our destination".

So much to celebrate for Nōku te Ao across this year. Of personal note has been the dissemination of our report - Me Haere Ngātahi Tātou: voices of the lived experience community. This report enables further understanding of how we can best aid and facilitate an Aotearoa that upholds the mana and human rights of people with experiences of mental distress. It is my hope that the whakaaro, knowledge and wisdom within this report will aid in educating and reconstructing societal beliefs and public attitudes, so that everyone throughout Aotearoa can experience improvements to their social inclusion, their wellbeing, and the landscapes in which they dwell.
"Mā te whakarongo, ka mōhio; mā te mōhio, ka mārama; mā te mārama, ka mātau; mā te mātau, ka ora” (through listening, comes knowledge; through knowledge, comes understanding; through understanding, comes wisdom; through wisdom, comes wellbeing).

Before signing of for the year I just wanted to take a quick opportunity to mihi to our Nōku te Ao partners. To each and every one of you, our whānau, thank you for all your mahi and continued support across this year. Each arm of Nōku te Ao have been absolute ringa raupā throughout every level of our program - working tirelessly day in and day out. I am constantly in awe of your mahi, your passion, and your servitude to the kaupapa of Nōku te Ao and tāngata whaiora across Aotearoa. You are all the beating hearts of Nōku te Ao. Thank you.
I look forward to continuing our mahi in 2025, striving towards our mission to end prejudice and discrimination for all people with experiences of mental distress.
Tū pakari, tū taha. Ko te kotahitanga o tō tātou kaupapa. Nōku te Ao – Stand proud, stand alongside. We are united by our purpose. This is my world.